The Thrive Blog — Thrive Nutrition Practice

Eating Protein & Not Losing Weight?


Are you getting enough protein in your diet?

Protein-forward diets seem to be all the rage these days -- especially if you're trying to incorporate weights & resistance training into your exercise routine as a way of losing inches and fat. 

If this is you, then you've likely seen the perfectly muscular physiques of Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, Dr. Stacey Sims & Dr. Stephanie Estima on your insta feed. 

All these professionals promote protein intake of at least 90g per day in order to get the results you want at the gym.  And 90g is their conversative estimate. 

I don't disagree with the theory at all.  

We should all be prioritizing protein at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  

However, if you're trying to lose weight by focusing on your protein intake as your primary dietary consideration, it is likely you won't get anywhere.

Here's why:

Increased protein intake needs to be balanced with increased fibre.
Otherwise, constipation is in your future and will hold you back from weight loss. 

Also, if you're getting your protein from animal sources, then it's important to consider that any extra cholesterol intake has to be trapped (by fibre) and poo'd out. And while increased cholesterol won't keep you from losing weight, it's not exactly a problem you want to have.

Increased protein intake might contribute to existing levels of inflammation, particularly if your urate levels are high.
High urate levels are very common in perimenopausal and menopausal women because of declining estrogen levels.  We don't often think about high urate levels because we think of gout as a male illness. 

Moreover, many women do not do a metabolic blood panel before embarking on a weight loss or exercise program and so have no idea if their kidneys are already under pressure. 

And so, you could inadvertently increase your protein levels and worsen your inflammation levels.  In this scenario - you will likely struggle to lose weight.

Increased protein intake by mixing different sources of protein is counter productive.
If you're trying to increase your protein count by taking 3oz cooked chicken breast and adding it to a 2 egg omelet - you are on paper getting 30g of protein.  But your body isn't using those 30g. 

Chicken and eggs have different protein profiles. The usability of a protein by the body is actually decided by the amino acid which is present in the smallest quantity.

When different protein foods are combined, the usability of this protein is determined by the amino acid whose overall proportion is lowest. Above this level, all other unused amino acids will become waste products in the body - waste that your body needs to detoxify.  

Weight loss during perimenopause does not always follow the rules.
I have had many conversations that go along the lines of:
I count my macros & calories. I do weight training. And I'm still not seeing results. 
If you identify with this train of thought, you are not alone.

Sometimes, there is a hormonal or inflammatory reason at play.  

Metabolic Balance designs a personalized nutrition plan that couples the value of protein intake with the metabolic needs of your body, including the need to address inflammation & balance your hormones as core to your weight loss plan.

That's why it's so effective. 

My clients typically need to lose an average of 20lbs.  Sometimes more, sometimes less. 

Typically, they reach their weight loss goals in 4 months. 

Each case is different. Each person has different protein requirements that vary in terms of source and quantity.  

Each one of us is unique, with a unique lived experience, unique stressors and needs.

Sometimes, we need to personalize the cookie-cutter rules -- and THAT'S OKAY.

Book in your free 15min discovery call with me and let's assess your unique needs together.

Much love,


Not losing weight despite adding muscle?

Dear Friends,

Dr Marie Claire Haver's The New Menopause is on the New York Times Bestseller list!

Many of the stats in the book blow my mind and lend factual credibility to what I see anecdotally in my nutrition practice and hear in my conversations with friends and family.

Here's a big one I'd like to share with you today:

In the average pre-menopausal woman, 8% of her body fat will be visceral. 

Visceral fat refers to the fat around your waist -- and that is the most dangerous fat because it stifles your organs, messes up your blood sugar and insulin regulation, which then puts you at higher risk for other chronic disease, like Type 2 diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease.

After the menopause transition, this number increases to 23% of body fat being visceral.

And this number can increase without a change in diet or exercise -- which is what I hear and see all the time. 

We're eating the same way, have the same level of activity -- but suddenly, we burgeon.

And I'll tell you another thing I see in practice all the time:

Many women who then try to lose weight by increasing their exercise (i.e. strength training or HIIT), will definitely see their body fat composition change - but their weight stays largely the same.

And while they're happy that their gaining muscle and losing fat, they're confused as to why they are not losing weight.

I mean, we all know that muscle weighs more than fat but...really? Not even a 5lbs drop? It's frustrating.

I have yet to find proper scientific explanations as to why this is so.

But clients who have come to me with this frustration, have one or more of the following things in common:

High levels of inflammation
Be it because they've been in a prolonged state of burnout.  Be it because blood sugar and insulin levels are out of whack.  Be it because of an undiagnosed condition like high urate levels.  Be it because of food intolerances.

Many of the women who struggle to lose weight despite eating healthy and exercising have high underlying levels of inflammation.  Once we can empty that inflammation bucket, the weight comes off.  

Digestive issues
Anecdotally, I definitely see an increase in digestive issues rooted in liver & gallbladder issues in women after the age of 40yrs old.  This could partly be due to the increase in visceral fat.  But these organs are also where emotions like anger, frustration and resentment are stored.

Sometimes, in order to let go of the weight that's holding us back, we also have to support our digestive system through anti-inflammatory protocols so that it's able to let go of the crap and toxic emotions that are holding it back.

Alcohol & added sugar
Increasingly, I find that if these aren't completely eliminated - and I mean completely, as in zero units of alcohol and no added sugar - women struggle to meet their weight loss targets.

I am fairly certain that this phenomena is deeply intertwined with the inflammation story and the liver & gallbladder issues.  But I do find that those women who are able to cut alcohol & added sugar out of their life for at least 3-4 months (and yes, I know 3 months is a long time!), stand a much better chance of losing weight (as opposed to just gaining muscle).

Metabolic Balance - the program I use to help clients struggling with weight loss - addresses these issues. That's why it works even on the most stubborn weight loss cases.  

The menopausal transition impacts our body's metabolism in ways that we are only beginning to understand. 

Finding the right nourishment practices that result in weight loss requires a new alchemy to catalyze the transformation you're looking for. Metabolic Balance could be the answer you're looking for.

Book in your free 15min discovery call with me to assess your fit.

Click here to subscribe to my weekly newsletter.

Much love,


How To #EmbraceEquity In Our Wellness Solutions to Burnout

As the 2023 edition of International Women's Day week comes to a close, I'd like to share a nutritionist's perspective on how to equitably address the burnout crisis we are in.  Because whilst both men and women burn out, the reasons why & the journey out of burnout does need to be tailored.

Dr. Lisa Mosconi's book, The XX Brain gives us some insight into how to #EmbraceEquity in the struggle against burnout.

As it turns out, while both men & women share exhibit classic fight or flight responses to stress -- there is a uniquely female response to stress, which is called TEND & BEFRIEND.

According to Dr. Mosconi, this response likely evolved ages ago in hunter-gatherer communities. Men went hunting and fought against tigers. Women stayed behind to take care of the family.

Because fighting or fleeing is near-on impossible when you're breastfeeding, pregnant or caring for children, women evolved to respond to stress & danger differently.  In such moments, they became even more protective of their children -- TENDING to them - and BEFRIENDING the other people in the community to increase their chances for survival.

This TEND & BEFRIEND stress response can be scientifically measured & demonstrated:

  • When women are under stress, our cortisol & adrenal hormones rise (like men).  But women also get an additional shot of oxytocin from the brain, which promotes nurturing, loving & tending emotions.  

  • Moreover, women have strong activity in the limbic system - primarily involved in emotions (hello inner critic!). Whereas, men activate their frontal cortex - the area in charge of reason.

What does all this mean from a health perspective?

Dr. Mosconi contends that the adverse effects of prolonged stress are harsher on women than on men. Not only are women contending with an increase in their stress hormones: cortisol and adrenalin.  Women are also paying the steep physiological, emotional price that accumulates with caregiving and tending.

Dr. Mosconi states that the "caregiver burden can severely tax our health while compromising our immune response to stress".  She goes on to say that this tending or caregiving stress exacerbates existing chronic health symptoms, and means that women are operating on a daily basis at a health deficit.

If you are caregiving at work, at home and/or with your folks -- on top of your daily obligations -- you are taxing your nervous system and this could potentially be manifesting as health symptoms like chronic fatigue, chronic digestive issues, weight gain around the belly, brain fog & anxiety - just to name a few.  

But it could also be showing up on your bloodwork as high cholesterol, underactive thyroid, high blood sugar, abnormal liver enzymes or high uric acid. High blood pressure is also a big one!

Caregiving is part of our primal makeup.  It's a big part of what keeps us in touch with our humanity.  And it's why women leaders, more often than not, play by the "no one gets left behind" value book, as opposed to the legacy "survival of the fittest" so many corporate cultures have inherited.

BUT - caregiving doesn't come for free. And when overtaxed, it can cost us our health.  

Embracing equity means understanding what caregiving is costing us.  It means understanding when to draw the line & how to share the burden. It also means we can use diet & lifestyle as a powerful modulator to decrease the load off the mind & body & rebuild our health & wellness.

Book in your 15min chat with me today & let's answer those questions together.

In the meantime, come to my Book Club on March 29th and join a community of women, as we tend & befriend to each other whilst discussing Dr Mosconi's amazing book The XX Brain.

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for weekly recipes, programming news, discounts & the best evidenced-based nutritional therapy tips to thrive - not just survive.

Cristina Tahoces is a nutritional therapist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice, a global online wellness business that helps leaders be more physically & mentally resilient to stress. She shared her nutritional approach on the TEDx stage in 2017 as part of the TED Women’s Global Conference. She is a sought-after expert speaker & panelist on burnout, women’s post-natal wellness & metabolic health.

An Indulgent Smoothie to Help You Sleep

There is nothing more indulgent than a good night’s sleep. The kind that makes you feel like a million bucks when you wake up.

But how many of us are nourishing our body to help our body produce the melatonin it needs to help us sleep?

Tart cherries, almonds, walnuts  & flax seeds are rich food sources of melatonin.

Start your sleep strategy first thing in the morning with this tasty smoothie:



 ½ cup tart cherries (frozen)

½ cup spinach (frozen)

½ banana

1-2 cups almond milk unsweetened

Splash of vanilla

1 tbsp flaxmeal

1 tbsp walnuts

1 tspn raw cacao

2 tbsp hemp seeds


Place all ingredients in a high speed blender & blend until smooth.  Enjoy!


My Calcium-rich Lunchtime Obsession

It's hard for me to eat sardines. I ate loads when I was pregnant and now....I have a bit of a block. But, I do very much enjoy this recipe. I think it's the tang from the pickle & all the fresh herbs. Plus it is super rich in calcium - and as a perimenopausal woman, I want to be taking as much of calcium in from dietary - not supplementation sources.

Studies show that when we take in calcium through our diet (via foods like yoghurt, sardines & broccoli) - this calcium is absorbed at a slow & steady pace by the body.

BUT -- when we take a high dose calcium supplement - we get a big spike of calcium in the blood. And this calcium gets deposited into our soft tissue, like our arteries & organs, rather than our bones & teeth.

That's partly why there are many studies that show that calcium supplementation increases the risk of heart attacks & kidney stones.

I highly encourage you listen to Chris Kresser's short review of calcium supplementation for the full low-down & references to these studies.

And if you have a parent or if you yourself are on calcium supplementation - give yourself the benefit of a critical review of your supplementation practices.

One of the big benefits of being a Metabolic Balance coach is I've been able to study the relationship between blood work & nutrition.

The Metabolic Balance nutritional program is based on the client's blood panel and that panel always includes markers for Total Calcium, a full cholesterol panel & an inflammation marker called C-Reactive Protein. If I see that for example, Total Calcium, LDL cholesterol and C-Reactive Protein are all HIGH -- that combo signals risk of cardiovascular inflammation, which we can then address using both nutritional and supplementation means.

Moreover, helping you understand the relationship between these markers can help YOU have a better conversation with your doctor.

Information is power - book in your free 15min discovery call today.



1 tin sustainably sourced sardines

1⁄2 tspn grainy or dijon mustard

1 large pickle

1 tspn mayonnaise

1 tbsp roughly chopped chives or 1 spring onion

1 handful roughly chopped parsley or coriander or both!


Put all ingredients in a blender & whizz until smooth.

You can use this for sandwiches or on top of a big green salad.

I also like to use this as a topping for cucumber boats. I cut a cucumber lengthwise, scoop out the flesh & spoon this mix on top.

Dill is also a nice herb to use and frankly, the more the merrier.


Subscribe to my newsletter for weekly recipes, programming news, discounts & the best evidenced-based nutritional therapy tips to thrive - not just survive.

Cristina Tahoces is a nutritional therapist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice, a global online wellness business that helps leaders be more physically & mentally resilient to stress. She shared her nutritional approach on the TEDx stage in 2017 as part of the TED Women’s Global Conference. She is a sought-after expert speaker & panelist on burnout, women’s post-natal wellness & metabolic health.

This Omega-3 Rich Salad is my Summer Obsession

My daughter graduated from middle school last month. For the first time, we went shopping for a fancy dress & dressy sandals of her choosing. And there were a few evenings of bonding over lipgloss colours and different updos. She looked so beautiful & radiantly happy, walking up to the stage to collect her diploma.

And if that wasn’t enough to fill my summer with joy — in a few weeks, we’ll be going on holiday to Spain to spend time with family & friends for the first time since COVID locked us all down in 2020. I am looking forward to lazy, long lunches full of good food & lots of laughs.

My heart is full of gratitude for these milestones and cherished moments. I never want to forget them - not even when I’m 102! That’s why I prioritise foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to help nourish my brain & memory health. And this summer, I am OBSESSED with this salad.


Ingredients (for 2-3):

  • 185g Yellowfin tuna loins

  • 4-6 Cantabrian anchovies

  • 4 cups romaine lettuce, chopped

  • 1 small head of radicchio, losely torn

  • 1 small persian cucumber, chopped

  • 1/2 tin of white canellini beans (cooked & thoroughly drained)

  • 2 tbsp parsley, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp red onion, finely chopped

  • Maldon salt, pepper

  • 4 tbsp olive oil & juice of 1/2 lemon


In a big bowl, add the lettuce, cucumber, parsley, beans & red onion. Season with salt & pepper & half the dressing. Toss to combine. Then add the tuna & the rest of the dressing. And top with the anchovies.

Therapeutic Notes:

The buttery, smooth canellini beans are a perfect, satiating pairing for the seafood and add a lot of fibre to keep your gut microbiome & heart healthy.

The Cantabrian anchovies have a deep, complex umami flavour that have nothing to do with the sad-looking, sandy pizza anchovy. And the Yellowfin tuna loin is the definition of a special treat. Spoiler alert: you will find it difficult to go back to tinned tuna ever again.

This salad will not only satisfy the foodie in you, but it will also nourish you with the Omega 3 healthy fats so crucial for your brain & memory health. A diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids also supports your mental health. There have been a number of clinical trials that have shown positive results in using high dose Omega3’s to reduce anxiety.

Plus, Spanish Pig is offering all Thrive Newsletters subscribers 15% off all their delicious products (examples are linked above). Want in? Subscribe today and don’t miss out on this special treat!

So this summer - forget your worries and go make memories that will last a lifetime. After multiple lockdowns and extended separation from so many of our family & friends - we deserve it!

Sit down for long, lazy lunches and lavish your family & friends with the gift of cherished memories with this brain healthy salad. I hope it becomes your summer obsession too!

Need help boosting your cognitive function & creating a heart-healthy diet?

Reach out for a free 15 min discovery call with Cristina.

Subscribe to my newsletter for weekly recipes, programming news, discounts & the best evidenced-based nutritional therapy tips to thrive - not just survive.

Cristina Tahoces is a nutritional therapist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice, a global online wellness business that helps leaders be more physically & mentally resilient to stress. She shared her nutritional approach on the TEDx stage in 2017 as part of the TED Women’s Global Conference. She is a sought-after expert speaker & panelist on burnout, women’s post-natal wellness & metabolic health.

The Ultimate Salad to Show Your Liver LOVE

One of the big truths about health & wellness is that our issues go into our tissues & our psychology becomes our biology.  I see it all the time.  Stress getting stuck in the body and manifesting in physical symptoms of illness.  In order to heal, the body needs the right fuel to feel safe & strong enough to enable this process of letting go of our stressors.

This healing fuel must come from our food choices.  That is why I believe so much in the power of love-led nourishment.  Because when we choose to eat foods that show our body our love & kindness, we fuel our body’s natural ability & desire to heal & thrive.

Here’s a recipe to deliver love & compassion to your liver - the most underworked and underpaid organ in the body. Poor, darling liver! It fights for your quality of life every day, but we frustrate the heck out of it with stress that we drown out with wine & comfort foods.

This salad delivers all the nutrients your liver needs to rock through its 500 daily functions. And you know what that means? You may just be able to say I’m fine and REALLY mean it!

DeLIVERme Love Salad


1/2 medium raw beet (peeled & chopped into matchsticks)
1 radish (thinly sliced)
½ cup broccoli sprouts
1 medium sized carrot (peeled & shredded)
¼ cup chopped coriander
1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
2 tbsp toasted pumpkin seeds
2 cups of mixed greens (e.g. arugula, radicchio, romaine lettuce, baby spinach)

Protein of choice: e.g. 2 boiled eggs OR 4-5oz of grilled chicken or leftover roast chicken or grilled salmon or cooked shrimp or grilled beef or ¾ cup of cooked chickpeas or lentils

Dressing: 2 tbsp olive oil, juice of ½ lemon, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, salt & pepper

Other optional add ons: ¼ avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions, fresh orange segments, cashews, peppers

1.Wash, peel & prep all the veggies. Do not try to shred the beet because it will make an awful mess.

2.Toast the sesame & pumpkin seeds separately. To toast, I simply put them on a dry frying pan over low-to-medium heat and keep stirring until they’re fragrant.

3.Make the dressing by stirring together all the ingredients.

4.Assemble all the ingredients in your salad below. Add the dressing and enjoy!

Therapeutic Notes:

Beets activate liver enzymes & increase bile to help the liver’s detoxification process.  Beets are high in betalains & other compounds that reduce inflammation & protect the liver.  Beets also stimulate lymphatic flow & help increase oxygen by cleansing the blood .

Broccoli sprouts are super rich in sulphur. Sulphur + methionine which your body is getting from the protein you add to this salad is the basis for our master antioxidant glutathione which the liver needs in abundance for its detoxification process.

Arugula, radishes & radicchio are bitter foods which stimulate bile flow & contribute to liver health.

Coriander is a herb that is assists in detoxifying heavy metals from the body.

A Whole Day of Gut Microbiome Boosting Meals in Under 30min

Let’s just start off by accepting that there are not enough hours in the day. EVER.

That is why we are obsessed with ready-made meal kits and anything that will cut down the time we spend in the kitchen. But what those meal kits don’t take into account is your gut health - and by extension - your ablity to fight infections, to support your mental health & thrive. Your gut microbiome after all, is the epicentre of your immune system AND 90% of your body’s happy hormone serotonin.

Here’s a whole day of microbiome boosting meals in under 30min - cuz it’s never about the time - it’s about making time count.

The Colada Glow

Put 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 frozen banana, 2 cups spinach, 2 tbsp of hemp seeds, 1/4 avocado, 1 tbsp flax oil & 1.5 cup of water in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth & serve. Rich in healthy fibre, fats, enzymes & protein, this smoothie will make your microbiome sing. (5min)

Upcycled Leftovers

There is nothing better than taking 4-5oz of leftover roast chicken & putting it on a bed of pre-washed lettuce. Want to soothe those intestinal muscles? Add some magnesium with a 1/4 avocado? And with only one more minute you can add a bit of extra fibre & immune boosting power with some chopped pepper & a handful of cherry tomatoes. A lunch that is ready in under 7 minutes & easy to digest so that you don’t compromise your afternoon productivity.

Brain-Boosting Hugs

Season a 4-5oz salmon steak with a pinch of salt, pepper & roast it for 10-13 min at 180C. While it’s cooking, put a big pot over medium heat & add a 1 tbsp of olive oil & slivered garlic (2 cloves). Pan fry the garlic until fragrant and add a box of pre-washed spinach or kale. Stir through the garlic & cook until wilted. If you want to be fancy, zest some lemon over the top & add roasted pumpkin seeds when serving. Serve with a piece of toasted rye bread.

Rich in anti-inflammatory omega3s, this quick meal is the best way to give your gut a warm hug & your brain a boost after a hard day. Your brain-gut axis will love you!

Need help making your time count? Reach out for a free 15 min discovery call with Cristina.

Cristina Tahoces is a nutritional therapist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice, a global online wellness business that helps leaders be more physically & mentally resilient to stress. She shared her nutritional approach on the TEDx stage in 2017 as part of the TED Women’s Global Conference. She is a sought-after expert speaker & panelist on burnout, women’s post-natal wellness & metabolic health.