Metabolic Balance
Nutritional Consults
Corporate Services
For Mindset, Leadership Coaches, Therapists
Metabolic Balance
Nutritional Consults
Corporate Services
For Mindset, Leadership Coaches, Therapists
Health Assessment
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
How would you describe your energy levels?
Very low. I never feel rested.
I pull through but still have bad days, especially after lunch!
Overall ok but could be better
Great! No problem!
Are you regular (meaning do you go to the toilet every day for a poop)?
I barely ever go
I go maybe 2-3x a week // I alternate between diarrhea and constipation.
I go every other day
Yes, I go every day – at least once!
How would you describe your stress levels?
I am so stressed and wound up
High but manageable
Not particularly stressed but when I do get stressed, it hits me pretty hard
Stress does not affect me negatively. I am chilled out.
Do you feel bloated, gassy or sleepy after meals?
All the time, especially after lunch and dinner
Very often
Sometimes, but I know what sets it off
Do you have strong cravings for sweet or salty foods?
Yes! Every day throughout the day
Very often, especially when I’m stressed
No, not at all.
How do you sleep?
I am a total insomniac
I have no trouble getting to sleep but then wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep
How is your dental health?
My mouth is full of dental work, e.g. cavities, root canals, crowns.
I have some dental work and my gums bleed every once in a while.
I have some dental work but otherwise, my gums don’t bleed and my dental visits are uneventful.
No dental work, no gum bleeding, no problems.
Thank you!