Bloat-No-More: Vanilla Coconut Yoghurt

                              Thrive Nutrition Practice:  Digestive Health Recipe

                              Thrive Nutrition Practice:  Digestive Health Recipe


Let me tell you that I never thought in a million years that dairy was a no-no for me.  I loved my lattes and my little bits of goat cheese in the salad.  And wouldn’t I lose my Spanish passport if I stopped eating queso manchego?

But I kept reading about how dairy was mucous forming and therefore not great for gut health.  And truth be told, I did tend to bloat a lot after meals.  So, one day, I quit dairy. And I have to say, I haven’t looked back.

Quitting dairy and gluten – for me personally – as someone who has struggled through post-natal allergies to dust mites, recurring sinus infections and lots of bloating issues due to sub-optimal gut bacteria. Quitting dairy & gluten was a game changer.  

And I’d like to share with you one of my favourite yoghurt substitute recipes that is creamy, delicious and full of FABULOUS PROBIOTIC GOODNESS for a healthy gut and mucous-free poops.


The hardest part about making this yoghurt is cracking open the fresh young coconut to scoop out the flesh.  But if you can manage that – you’re all set!

  • flesh from 4-5 fresh young coconuts
  • 1 probiotic capsule (I really like the NFH brand or Natren)
  • 1 tspn vanilla bean paste

Blend the flesh from the young coconuts in a high speed blender until creamy and smooth.  You might have to add a bit of nut or soya milk to get the blender going.  But don’t add too much (tbsp at a time).  Mix in the the powder from the probiotic capsule with a spatula or wooden spoon (probiotics don’t like high speed blenders). Pour into a glass tupperware and leave overnight somewhere dark and warm.

It should be slightly sour in the morning. If it’s not – your probiotics are dead and you should get a new pack.

Add the vanilla bean paste and give it a good stir until thoroughly blended and smooth. Refrigerate.

Add your favourite fruit and enjoy!

And of course – if you can’t be bothered, you can always purchase Foodcraft’s amazing coconut yoghurt.

Coconut flesh is amazing for making creamy desserts of all types.  I sometimes use it as a substitute for avocado when I do my chocolate puddings for the girls.

A great recipe and ingredient to add to your “BLOAT-NO-MORE” collection!

COST SAVING TIP FOR HONG KONGERS: The Western Wholesale Food Market in Sheung Wan near the Macau Ferry Terminal sells crates of fresh young coconuts for a fraction of the supermarket price.  It has parking too.  Share a crate with your friends.  Or crack them all open when you get home and enjoy delicious, sweet coconut water and use the flesh for yoghurt and puddings. 



Cristina Tahoces is a holistic nutritionist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice. Please join her Facebook group “Thrive Nutrition Practice” for daily articles, recipes, promotions on professional grade supplements and upcoming workshops.