Thriving and not Just Surviving COVID-19


Here is your three-step guide to thriving and not just surviving this dreaded pandemic, based on science - not fad.


I know you’re worried about being quarantined and stocking up on non-perishable items, but pasta & rice have no immunity fighting powers. Leave the DEAD FOOD at Costco and buy LIVE FOOD instead:

  • green leafy veggies, rainbow coloured fruits & vegetables. These foods are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, like Vitamin C which are going to support your immune system and help you fight infections.

  • liver, liver pate, salmon, eggs & mackerel. These foods are rich in Vitamin A - a superpowerful virus killing vitamin

Live foods like leafy greens, salmon and eggs are also high in B-vitamins and these are going to help us cope with all the stress having to our children home for weeks on end.

How do you keep all this LIVE FOOD from perishing?

Steam the vegetables, wash the berries, chop the bananas & freeze them.


Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C are the base line. To really stick it to COVID though, add VitA.

Deficiency in Vitamin D is associated with an increased susceptibility to infection and low immune function. And unfortunately, deficiency in this vitamin is very common, if not a given during the winter months particularly.

Vitamin C - to be honest - you’re better off getting it from fruits, e.g. kiwis, berries, oranges; & raw colourful veggies, e.g. peppers, tomatoes. Your body absorbs - not just Vitamin C - but any vitamin (except D3) from whole foods. But supplementing during this time of increase risk is essential because the truth is we usually don’t get what our body requires for optimal immune function from our diet.

But if you really want to get one up on COVID, add Vitamin A to your supplement regime.

Here’s why?

Vitamin A is critical to keeping something called our epithelium. Our epithelium functions as the “front line” of defense against pathogen invasion. VitA is also an integral part of the mucus layer of both the respiratory tract and the intestine. (And remember folks, our intestine is home to 70% of our immunity so keeping your guts healthy is just as important as protecting your lungs!) So keeping your Vitamin A at optimal level is CRITICAL for keeping COVID at bay.


No need to go to the gym people.

Take your pick of the many youtube videos online and do a 30min exercise video that you will enjoy. Or if you can take a walk in nature - even better!

Dr Ben Lynch quoted a great study published in Science Direct: “The compelling link between physical activity and the body’s defence system”.

If you do between 20-45min exercise, you reduce your risk of upper respiratory tract infections by 50%.


But listen, the same study says if you’re sick or super stressed out - exercising gives you no benefits. So don’t be an exercise-holic. Listen & respect your body’s need to rest.

That’s it folks. You’re three-step guide to thriving and not just surviving COVID-19.

Easy peasy.

Reach out for help on supplement dosing and more support if you need it.

And hey - if you’re one of those people buying hundreds of toilet rolls for 14 days of quarantine….I think you and I should talk about how much you’re pooping…