If ever there was a time to eat with purpose, it is now.

COVID is spreading like a bullet train through our communities and…

every bite we take can help us fight this virus or invite it to take hold.

Each day, Thrive will be featuring a COVID-busting nutrient and posting a shopping list with meal ideas that will help you boost your immunity, strengthen your respiratory system and keep you mentally resilient.

Today, we will be featuring:


Copper is an incredibly powerful anti-viral and it is toxic to coronaviruses. Copper breaks the lipid envelope surrounding the coronavirus and as a result, the virus dies and cannot replicate.


Here’s your copper-rich shopping list and some ideas on how to transform these ingredients into delicious and immune boosting meals.


This meal plan is also rich in other immune boosting nutrients which lower inflammation in the body. For example:

  • Eggs are rich omega 3 fatty acids, which are crucial to the proper functioning of our lymphatic system. Our lymphatic system sends out soldier called lymphocites that patrol the body seeking and destroying viruses and bacteria that cause infections.

  • Veggies, like tomatoes are rich in folate and VitC - crucial nutrients for immunity.

  • Chicken is rich in zinc — a nutrient which inhibits the replication of the coronavirus.

And eating a diet rich in vegtables and whole foods is going to nourish your gut with plenty of wholesome fbre. This fibre is going to help you poop and detoxify daily, which in turn in going to improve your body’s natural defenses.

Remember - 70% of your immunity comes from your gut health!

Stay tuned for Thrive’s next post on how to build a shopping list and meal plan rich in VITAMIN C - the ultimate antioxidant for optimal immune function.

In the meantime, stay home, practice social distancing and wash your hands.

Let’s plank that curve!