holistic nutritionist

POOP Your Way to Happiness

                                     Thrive Nutrition Practice: Get Your Poop On

                                     Thrive Nutrition Practice: Get Your Poop On


I am so excited it's POOP month!

Of the three pillars of Thrive's nutrition trifecta (SLEEPLOVEPOOP) -- POOP is definitely my favourite.  And it's even more special that POOP month has coincided with my favourite time of the year: Christmas!

Since moving to Hong Kong, I listen to Bing Crosby's White Christmas with misty eyes and think about how pretty my parent's cherry tree looks the morning after a snowfall.  But I have to say, Hong Kong does Christmas beautifully as well.  The city's decorations are gorgeous and with the temperature a balmy 15 degrees, it's even possible to look fashionable.  BUT, the one thing that seems to suffer - no matter where I'm spending Christmas - is my digestion.

All the rich food, mulled wine, mince pies, Lindt chocolate, gingerbread cookies, champagne, panettone, hot chocolate and Christmas log cakes make it so hard to keep the bloating down, the toots neutral and the morning ablutions regular.  And that's a problem because by the time the holiday season comes to an end, I've got a few angry pimples, a couple extra inches around the waist and an absolutely miserable temperament.

WHY is that?

Our gut is not just a hosepipe for our waste.  It's the centre of our immune & detox function.  Plus, 90% of our serotonin - our body's happy hormone - is made in our gut.

If our bowels aren't getting a daily cleaning, they're going to be too congested to help us make our happy hormone cocktail. And who wants to be the Grinch who stole Christmas? Or even worse - the miserable sod who shows up to work on January 2nd looking grey and pessimistic.

Over the course of this month, I'll be sharing with you my favourite tips and recipes to keep you regular over the holidays, so that you can end and start the year feeling like the Christmas Star you are.  But in this post, I just want to start off with the basics.

  • DRINK 2.5-3L OF WATER DAILY.  The number 1 reason for constipation is lack of water consumption.  I'm just over 5ft tall and I need 2.5L of water a day for my body's biochemical processes and to stay regular.  So, I'm going to go crazy and say that most of you reading this, need 3L+.  Water cannot be substituted for anything. When out for Christmas cocktails, try to have 1-2 glasses of water for every drink to help keep your body & gut hydrated and things moving along.
  • SNEAK IN SOME FIBRE.  During the holidays I like to incorporate a breakfast smoothie to the morning routine so that I can get an extra helping of fibre by adding chia seeds and flaxmeal.  If I know I'm going to be eating out or going to a cocktail, I make sure to have 1-2 tspn of psyllium hulls with a big glass water before I head out.  This gives me some comfort that my fibre intake is on track and that I'll be able to poop out any unwanted toxins the following day.
  • DAILY PROBIOTICS.  Super important to make sure that the good bacteria keeps outnumbering the bad bacteria in the gut.  The increase in sugar and refined carbs during the holidays puts you at risk for a proliferation of yeast in the gut.  And no one wants a yeast infection for Christmas!

It is so easy to get sick during the holidays.  The weather gets colder.  Our sugar consumption increases, which is bad news for immunity because sugar uses the same transporters as Vitamin C to enter your cells.  But drinking water, sneaking in some extra fibre and taking a daily probiotic will help ensure you maintain your daily bathroom date. 

So this holiday season, get your POOP on!

Cristina Tahoces is a holistic nutritionist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice.  Please join her Facebook group "Thrive Nutrition Practice" for daily articles, recipes, promotions on professional grade supplements and upcoming workshops.


A Meal Plan = Affirmative Action in the Politics of Nutrition

              Thrive Nutrition Practice: Meal Planning Tool

              Thrive Nutrition Practice: Meal Planning Tool


Let me explain…

The Meal Plan is the fastest way for you to make positive changes to your diet in a sustainable way because it addresses the single biggest challenge for healthy eating:


I don’t have time to pack my lunch.  I don’t have time to make dinner from scratch because I get home late.  I don’t have time to have breakfast at home.

These are the battle cries of the nutritionally disenfranchised.   It’s hard to push back on the “lack of time” argument because we can all relate.

However, just like little girls have to see women leaders to believe they can be one, so do aspiring healthy eaters have to see their healthy food choices in order to make them a reality.  So really – a meal plan is like affirmative action for nutrition.

Before I started to meal plan, I would:

  • go to the supermarket 2-4x per week because I never had the ingredients I wanted in the fridge;
  • spend WAY TOO MUCH MONEY at the supermarket because I’d shop hungry or didn’t plan ahead so that I could buy online more cheaply;
  • skip breakfast because I could never figure out in time what I FELT LIKE eating;
  • have a kind of disgusting combination of my kids’ leftover plus whatever else I could scramble in 10min for dinner;
  • feel bummed and bored with food because I felt like had the same foods ALL THE TIME. 

If this sounds like you, you need get jiggy with a meal plan.  One 10-minute session a week can help you eat better, promote variety in your diet, save you money and get you excited about food again!  Plus – all the time you get back from countless trips to the supermarket, you can re-invest in making some of your meals from scratch.

Here are my top two app-based meal planners, which help you keep recipes, meal plan and build a shopping list from the plan:  www.plantoeat.com and www.pepperplate.com.  Pepperplate is free and Plantoeat is just under US$5 a month.

If you can spend the time to populate these apps with healthy recipes and are super organized, these can work really well for you because they help generate a shopping list for you too, which is super useful.

However, there is no meal planning app that I know of that helps you create nutritionally-rich meal plans.  I mean –  you can have the best meal plan template but if populate it with CocoPuffs, peanut butter & jam sandwiches and mac&cheese — you’re not exactly affirming positive action in the nutrition department.

So, I’ve created a template for building nutritionally-rich meals, which I’d like to share with you today.


  • is founded on maximising the inclusion of Thrive’s SLEEPLOVEPOOP foods:  high quality protein, fresh fruits&veggies, healthy fats & fibre-rich foods;
  • works to help you build healthy meals and make healthy food choices if you’re going out;
  • helps you commit to achievable weekly goals so that you feel really good about what you’ve eaten by the end of the week.  This is really important because the biggest enemy of nutrition is perfection.

It is also FREE  but you will have to email me for it.  I’ve already filled out a week for you, so you can see how to use it.  I’ve also included healthy lunch ideas for children. 

My little gift for you during LOVE month because healthy eating is not rocket science.

It’s just about having a plan.


Cristina Tahoces is a holistic nutritionist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice.  Please join her Facebook group “Thrive Nutrition Practice” for daily articles, recipes, promotions on professional grade supplements and upcoming workshops.



SLEEP: Let's Talk About Anxiety

SLEEP:  Let's Talk About Anxiety


Thrive's goal is to get all mamas out there to achieve what I call the nutrition trifecta by Christmas.  This month, we'll be working on improving our quality of SLEEP.