How the Patriarchal Corporate Leadership Model Lays Men to Waste

Corporate leadership model and burnout in men

Corporate leadership model and burnout in men

So,  my sarky post last week about how me-time is a farce for women started a few interesting conversations.  One of my male clients reached out and said:

"Hey Cristina, I hear you but men are also burning out and I can't remember the last time I even had the option of taking me-time."

To all the men out there who can relate -- I see you too.

As a nutritionist, I have a front row seat to your collective depletion. I hear your stories about how you cannot sleep, how you're so stressed, you're popping TUMS like candy and you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep because your body immediately goes into fight or flight and your mind starts racing.  I hear your struggles with high blood pressure, gout, irritable bowel, low sex drive and how you can't lose weight around the belly. 

More men than women suffer from hypertension, high belly fat, fatty liver and type 2 diabetes -- the "stress-diseases".  COVID complications & severity are more common in people with these metabolic illnesses, and so, it's no surprise that more men than women have died from COVID, and will continue to do so.  If we see COVID as a metric for how physically weak & broken we are as a society - it's pretty safe to say that men are the face of this reality.  

The current corporate culture & leadership model centred on profit & productivity at the expense of physical and emotional resilience is at the root of burnout & the mental health epidemic we are now experiencing.  

In the same way that our economic model has bankrupted the environment, our corporate leadership model drives humans like nonrenewable resources.  Resilience is the corporate world's endangered species. 

So you are right my dear, male ally.

Men are like coal, burning red hot…until they're not.

The question is how do you choose performance AND resilience in this imperfect, broken world? 

Nutrition is the easiest place to start.  It's the one thing that is 100% within your control.

Book a consult with me.